Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Growing up and Letting Go

Finally, my whole gang (hubby, 2 kids, 2 yayas and me) was able to watch Toy Story 3 at SM Fairview last weekend.  We decided on SM Fairview because it's 2D, and not 3D, so as not to scare my kids since this is the first time that they will watch a movie in a wide screen inside a dark movie house, and probably would not like to wear glasses all throughtout the movie, these are 2 and 3 year kids I'm talking about (not to mention its cheaper also).

I was surprised.  They did not cry, and was so intent on watching the movie, sitting at the end of the chair since they're still too little to recline less they fall off the chair.  They are amazed by all the toys, watching Barbie and Woody and Jessie and Buzz, it made their day. My eldest daughter said "enjoy mommy" : )

I honestly enjoyed the movie also and was so grateful for the tummy-achy laughter when Buzz danced, and got teary- eyed sad when the toys held hands inside the incinerator to be rescued by the amazing aliens (how did they know where to find them? ).  Actually, the theme of the movie also touches you in a sad way, since all of us go through/went through a "growing up and letting go" stage in our life.  In the movie, Woody eventually decided to let go of Andy and be with the rest of the toys, and Andy also grew up and decided to let go of his childhood friend-toy Woody, knowing that they will be taken cared of by the young girl.

Looking back, I didnt have any Woody type of toy, but I had a lot of books: Sweet Dreams, Sweet Valley Twins/High, etc.  I kept them until I moved out of my parents' house this year.  I remembered buying them at National Bookstore and collecting them, reading them during vacations...Now, they're packed and boxed, I've decided not to keep them anymore for my 2 daughters, since I want my kids to discover books on their own...I've finally let go of one of my childhood things and I'm happy that other kids/teens will be able to discover the stories that I loved back then, Im hoping they catch the bookworm just like I did.

(pictures from http://www.pixar.blogspot.com/)

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