Thursday, January 14, 2010

Setting your Personal Goals for 2010

I'm now downloading all the videos and still images that I took since June 2009 from our camcorder Sony DCR 220. It's been ages since I downloaded and I must admit because of lack of willpower and my choice of sleeping than staying up late. But now, I promised to do a lot of things this 2010, including being a videographer and Search Engine Optimization Specialist.

Here are my goals for 2010:

1. Discipline my three year old and 1.8 year old to have good manners. Right now Lia and Ali are into the crying and tantrum stage and I am desperately losing my patience and my bag of tricks on how to discipline them...further details in another post.

2. Arrange all pictures and videos documenting our milestones, travels, ocassions, etc.. so that my kids will relive these memories and always have a happy smile on their faces. But first things first, I have to learn how to be an expert videographer (another post) and learn the tricks of our SONY DCR 220.

3. Support my husband for NCA exams in August 2010 (another post!)

4. Manage investments and finances while having a full time job

5. Train my yayas to take care of my children similar to how i take care of them ...whew ...this is the year's biggest challenge i think

6. Make money

7. Blog and blog and blog...eventually making Wonder Mom Guide the hippest thing in 2010!

Other random goals till and lot...supermom malangi4ever, paris and rome...boracay...part time in bookstore...paypal work at home...supermom car...preschool for lia and ali...stronger investments...10th year anniversary with luther...goodle adsence...of course while being a supermom and fulltime wife to my husband

What are your goals this 2010?

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