My eldest daughter Lia attended her first day of school today. We walked from our house to the Holy Spirit of Quezon City,

(picture from the school's website
reminding her not to cry, listen to teacher Iza, dont forget to give her pencils to teacher, eat her baon, raise her hand if she has a question hehehe litany of reminders within a 5-minute walk, and really I am the one who's scared...what if...what if...but she looked happy to be walking, enjoying her brown uniform which is still a little bit big for her.
I learned from Luther than she was a bit talkative during the class, she was listening but also talking a lot, she raised her hands when she finished her clay circle, she did not cry (sniff big girl na baby ko!) but she often looked outside the room to check that Daddy and Ate Lala are still there. She did not eat all her baon (Zesto, strawberry fruit, ceraals, inipit bread), she only ate cereals..I asked her if she enjoyed school and she said " I'm a little teapot". Luther explained that when they were asked to get toys, she got the teapot...and when told to pack away the toys, she packed them away also...good job on your first day Lia...I hope you had a wonderful time, and would learn to love school and would love to learn...
Hey, not bad for my first day also right, I didnt have any separation anxiety but I asked for a detailed feedback on what happened at school. Tomorrow will be my day to bring her to school, and remind her that we parents and yayas are until the gate only...
I think what helped in letting children be independent is I let them try things on their own, assisting and correcting only when necessary, lengthened my patience and understanding when I correct them, and conditioning them that its fun to do things on their own. Teaching kids to be independent is hard noh?
P.S. when I was in Prep B at Holy Spirit, my mother was surprised that I brough home a worksheet with zero grade and "most talkative" marked on my sheet, because I was talking all throughout the session, I wasnt able to answer the sheet and thus, the zero grade...I am hoping that daughter now is not like mother me hehehe : )
hw much is the school fee in holy spirit prep b? send me reply